Welcome back - 'Doing the Basics... really well'

1,760 pupils and over 200 members of staff were welcomed back to Finham Park School this week. With the first week's attendance over 95% across the school, a strong start was made by pupils.
Students with over 95% attendance achieve better educational outcomes than students with less than this attendance. That equates to only 9 school days throughout the academic year when a student can be absent. Indeed, some students are never absent and are celebrated regularly as part of the school's 100% attendance club.
A new parent/carer app was launched at the start of term called, 'My Child at School'. This new app enables parents to see live information during the day about their child's attendance and behaviour as well as streamlining communication with the school and reporting on progress checks.
Families are checking their child's uniform over this weekend to ensure that it fits correctly as outlined below.
The rules are kept simple at Finham Park School. They can be summarised into three simple rules. Students will be hugely successful at this school if they:
- Do the right thing
- Are in the right place
- At the right time’.
Students wear their uniform with pride as it shows they belong to Finham Park School and identify with what they stand for. It creates a sense of belonging. Over the summer and particularly over the first weekend of term, the school asks parents and carers to ensure that any new uniform needed is bought so that all pieces of uniform fit correctly and are worn each day.
These include:
- Ties being worn.
- Shoes must be black leather.
NB: If either a tie or the correct shoes are missing, students will be expected to exchange something of value for a tie or shoes which can then be borrowed for the day. If their shoes are broken, for example, students can borrow a correctly fitting pair of shoes from the school.
- Only one earring stud should be in each ear with no facial piercings, no hoops.
- Hair should be of a natural colour only.
- Skirts and trousers should be worn correctly, to the correct length with skirts just above the knee and trousers properly fitting around the waist.
NB: If a pupil does not wear their skirt to the correct length, then they will not be permitted to wear a skirt and will be given trousers to wear instead. If a pupil does not wear their trousers correctly, then they will be given a pair of trousers to borrow for the day until they can get some that fit.
Reward points accrue during the course of a lesson and lead to students receiving badges of excellence to celebrate their hard work, perseverance and determination. Last year over 70,000 reward points have been awarded.
Lesson Routines
Students should always respect lesson routines. They are simple:
- Phones should remain in bags, be turned off and never be seen unless the teacher says you can use them for a learning activity.
- Coats should always be removed.
- Students should not leave the classroom unless permitted to do so by the class teacher, who enables a student to use an exit or toilet pass.
- Water bottles do not need to be filled up during a lesson. Breaktimes and lunchtimes are when this should be done.
In order to maximise learning time in the classroom, students can expect certain things to be in place. Teachers will:
- Welcome students at the door and give them what we call a ‘do now’ activity whilst the rest of the class arrive from their previous lesson.
- Ensure students sit in seating plans.
- Ensure students stand behind their desks at the end of the lesson and be dismissed in an orderly fashion, one row at a time.
Students learning in the lesson is guided by various prompts to indicate which part of the lesson is currently taking place. This may be:
- The ‘do now’ activity
- A period of 'exposition and modelling'
- Some 'independent work', or
- The 'plenary' to the learning activity
The strength of Finham Park School lies in the strong relationship between parents, students and the staff community. And so, the school thanks parents/carers for their continued support in ensuring that the basics are done really well and that all students are ready to shine and make the most of the opportunities in front of them this coming academic year.