Welcome back - 'Doing the Basics... really well'
1,760 pupils and over 200 members of staff were welcomed back to Finham Park School this week. With the first week's attendance over 95% across the school, a strong start was made by pupils.
Students with over 95% attendance achieve better educational outcomes than students with less than this attendance. That equates to only 9 school days throughout the academic year when a student can be absent. Indeed, some students are never absent and are celebrated regularly as part of the school's 100% attendance club.
A new parent/carer app was launched at the start of term called, 'My Child at School'. This new app enables parents to see live information during the day about their child's attendance and behaviour as well as streamlining communication with the school and reporting on progress checks.
Families are checking their child's uniform over this weekend to ensure that it fits correctly as outlined below.