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Enrol in Finham Park Sixth Form now!

Congratulations to Finham Park School students who have received their well-earned GCSE, BTEC and A-Level grades.

More students than ever excelled in their Post-16 examinations, with a quarter of all grades being awarded at A/A* or equivalent level and half of all grades being awarded at least Grade B or equivalent. An impressive total of 579 grades were awarded this year to the 202 pupils, which was an increase of 155 grades compared to last year.

At GCSE level, students continued to make above average progress with the average grade being awarded at Grade 5. An impressive third of the grades awarded were at Grade 7 or higher.

Enrolment into next year's Year 12 is now happening, with an exciting number of students joining our school from other schools. 

Sixth Form courses are filling up fast, so if you would like to contact the school to enrol, use the link below or email directly to