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School Dress Code - Years 7 to 11

We firmly believe that students should take pride in their personal appearance and in membership of our school community by wearing our agreed school uniform. All items of dress and footwear should be suitable for wear in a school in which stairs have to be climbed regularly and in which Health and Safety issues are very important.

School Uniform

      Indicative cost (Sep 2023)
Footwear Black leather school shoes, with black sole (no coloured stitching or logos) - trainers or boots are not acceptable for school, neither are heels Required £18-£40
Socks Must NOT be worn over trousers or tights. Required unless wearing tights £4
Tights Plain black or grey tights. Required unless wearing socks £4
Trousers Plain school grey trousers suitable for school - fashion trousers - jean style, ‘skinny’ or stretch materials are not acceptable for school Required unless wearing shorts/skorts/skirts £8 (2 pack)
Shorts Plain school grey trousers suitable for school - fashion shorts, jean style, ‘skinny’ or stretch materials are not acceptable for school Required unless wearing trousers/shorts/skirts £7
Skirts Plain grey knee-length pleated skirt - fashion skirts, tight or short skirts are not acceptable. Required unless wearing trousers/shorts/skorts £7 (2 pack)
Skorts Plain grey knee-length pleated skirt - fashion skorts, tight or short skorts are not acceptable. Required unless wearing trousers/shorts/skirts £7
NB- The grey colour for trousers and skirts is not charcoal, nor very light grey- in the Trutex brand it is called ‘Harrow Grey’- if unsure please ask at our uniform suppliers who can assist with this.
Shirts Plain white school shirt buttoned at the neck–long or short sleeved. Required £8 (2 pack)
Tie Navy and gold clip-on tie with college colour. Required – with branded Finham Park School lion logo £7.50
Jumper/ tank top Navy school jumper/ tank-top with single gold stripe around neck. No hoodies. Optional – with branded Finham Park School lion logo £17-£19
Blazer Navy blazer with Finham Park logo. Required – with branded Finham Park School lion logo £30-£40
Outdoor Coats Suitable outdoor coat - tracksuit tops, hooded tops, leather or denim jackets are not acceptable for school. Outdoor coats must be removed at the start of all lessons, mentor periods and assemblies.
Hats No hats can be worn on school site.
Jewellery Only one pair of stud earrings can be worn in ears and one small ring are allowed. Large items of jewellery, hooped earrings or other piercings such as nose piercings are not allowed.
Make-up Discreet make-up only. No long gel or acrylic nails.
Religious Headwear Must be black or dark blue.
Hair Hair must be a natural colour. Hair styles must be suitable for school. Only small hairclips/ hairbands are allowed.

“Plain” is defined as being without embellishment, i.e. studs, additional zips, braiding, logos etc. Students may remove their blazer with the permission of a member of staff during a lesson. Jumpers, if worn, are not a replacement for the blazer and should be worn under the blazer. We recommend that all uniform is identified with the owner’s name.

Jewellery, make-up and hairstyles

  1. Excessive jewellery is not suitable wear for school and can be dangerous. Body piercing is not permitted due to health and safety risks. Discreet plain studs in the ears are permitted. If there are religious or family reasons for wearing an item of jewellery then permission must be sought from the College Leader.  Jewellery is the responsibility of the owner and is worn at the owner’s own risk.  Fashion wrist bands and strings are not permitted.
  2. Discreet plain studs in the ears are permitted but should be removed for PE. 
  3. Other visible body piercings are not permitted and the student will be expected to remove them, e.g. nose stud, tongue piercing, facial/eyebrow piercing. 
  4. Nail varnish, nail art and false nails are not permitted. Students will be asked to remove nail varnish and a reasonable period of time will be provided to remove false nails.
  5. Natural, subtle and basic make-up may be worn.  No false eyelashes
  6. Baseball caps are not permitted.  Hats and scarves may be worn when permitted in inclement weather and must be removed when inside the building.
  7. Extreme hair colour and extreme unnatural hairstyles are not permitted.

Cost of the school uniform

  • We want to ensure that the cost of uniform is affordable for all families and does not lead to students feeling socially excluded or unable to afford other necessities.  As a result we have taken steps to limit the number of required items that carry the school logo. Parents/carers who are unable to provide their child with the required items of school uniform should contact the Head Teacher.  Such approaches will be handled with discretion and sensitivity.
  • The cost of equipping a student with our uniform (including 2 pairs of trousers/skirts, and 4 white shirts) can be as low as £120 if non-branded elements are purchased from a high street supermarket store and if only the essential elements are purchased. This increases to circa £210 if all non-essential elements are also purchased such as a PE hoodie.
  • The School operates a ‘fill a ‘bag for life’ for £10’ scheme for parents/carers who wish to purchase previously used items of uniform.
  • All students need a suitable bag with all necessary equipment to ensure they are ready to learn.
  • The school is happy to support students in wearing items, which relate to culture or religion.  It will be appreciated that there cannot be endless arguments about dress, and the school’s decision on whether appearance is appropriate for school or not must be the final one.  Students whose appearance is not appropriate for school may be sent home and asked to change.

All students need a suitable bag with all necessary equipment to ensure they are ready to learn.

The school is happy to support students in wearing items, which relate to culture or religion. It will be appreciated that there cannot be endless arguments about dress, and the school’s decision on whether appearance is appropriate for school or not must be the final one. Students whose appearance is not appropriate for school may be sent home and asked to change.

Physical Education Kit

All sports kit purchased should display the lion logo.

Required Indicative cost
Navy and sky blue sports top £14-£18
Navy blue shorts OR Navy blue skort £6-£8 / £15-£17
Navy and sky blue striped sports socks £6-£7
Trainers (no black trainers)  
Optional Indicative cost
Navy rugby top £20-£30
Football boots (strongly recommended)  
Gum shield (recommended for contact sports)  
Navy tracksuit bottoms  
Finham Park hoodie £20-£24
Shin pads  

All of the above are available from our suppliers

Clive Mark

88-90 Barker's Butts Lane,
Coventry CV6 1DY
Tel: 024 76598080

Cat Ballou Original Ltd

1-3 The Burges,
Coventry, CV1 1HN
Tel: 024 76555499

Brigade uniform direct