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A place where 'everyone is valued and expectations are high'

'Pupils’ well-being is at the forefront of leaders’ vision, including promoting pupils’ positive mental health'

Following the recent publication of Finham Park School's Ofsted report, it is heartening to reflect on all the school is doing to support the children and young people within the community of learners. Staff at the school continue to work exceptionally hard to ensure the very best support and education is given to all pupils. Ambitious trips, engaging lessons and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities continue to be provided (including the recent trip to Auchswitz, Poland, this week).

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A few extracts from the report about inclusivity include:

Finham Park is a highly inclusive school where everyone is valued and expectations are high for pupils to achieve well. Pupils and staff embody the school’s values, which include humility and kindness. Relationships between pupils and staff are warm and respectful. Pupils speak positively about the support they receive from staff and enjoy their learning.

Pupils feel safe and say they are happy in school.

Pupils welcome the broad range of subjects they can study. For example, the school specialises in a breadth of modern foreign languages, including Mandarin Chinese. Pupils speak positively about the opportunities to continue at least one modern foreign language to GCSE.

Students in the sixth form are exceptionally positive about their learning experiences and the wider opportunities the school provides. The school has rapidly developed its ambitious curriculum in the sixth form. Sixth-form teachers engage students in challenging and independent learning. This enables students to achieve highly. Students make a significant contribution to supporting the school, including through student leadership roles. Students benefit greatly from this exceptional provision.